Blog - Rencore

Highlights from Microsoft 365 Community Conference

Written by Matthias Seidel | May 14, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Attending the Microsoft 365 Community Conference has become an annual pilgrimage for Rencore. As is customary, this year too, we made our presence known at the largest Microsoft community conference that was held in Orlando, Florida.

Our team spoke to hundreds of Microsoft enthusiasts and showcased our award-winning Microsoft governance solution Rencore Governance.  

Now that our team members are back from the conference and have had the time to recover from the jetlag, we cannot but feel pumped up at the conversations we had at the event. After all, with more than 3000 speakers, over 150 sessions, and a line of insightful workshops, this is one of the premier events that brings together the dynamic M365 tech community from across the world.  

The week that was 

Like in most conferences, the keynote address is one that garners much attention from the attendees and this year, Jeff Teper President - Microsoft 365 Collaborative Apps & Platforms spoke about ‘The Age of Copilots’ and with a live demo, no less. Microsoft is committed to ensuring the security of organizational data through responsible use of AI, Jeff assured, while enabling teams to be more productive and efficient. 

Considering that Copilot was one of the latest and biggest innovations from Microsoft in recent months, it came only fitting that the opening keynote addressed this topic. Well, in this case, AI had the last word as well – with Principal Manager, Microsoft 365 Customer Advocacy Group Karuana Gatimu making the closing keynote on ‘Delivering Business Value and User Satisfaction in the Era of AI.’ 

Apart from showcasing the latest innovations and capabilities of M365 suite, there was much emphasis on seamless collaboration and AI being at the forefront of modern workplaces. This much was clear – AI is here to stay, and Microsoft was committed to making the most out of the AI revolution. Although it seemed as if AI and Copilot dominated the discussions at the conference, Sharepoint, OneDrive, Teams, Azure, Power Platform and Microsoft Viva continued to have a strong focus with several sessions devoted to these tools. 

Among the key announcements at the conference was one about SharePoint Premium, the AI-powered advanced content management and experiences platform. It is intended to help organizations make the most out of their existing content, by automatically organizing and classifying documents in your SharePoint library. Extracting important information from the vast trove of data becomes challenging and this is what SharePoint Premium is designed to solve. SharePoint premium helps organiations maximize content value with security and structure and brings AI, automation, and added security to content experiences, processing, and governance. From the governance aspect, the new SharePoint Premium addresses oversharing and content sprawl concerns by managing content lifecycle.

Rencore at #M365Con 

Rencore was one of the event sponsors and our team was there in person to interact with Microsoft professionals and tech enthusiasts. If you’re not aware of it yet, our conference swags are one of the trendiest ones at any event. Here are some glimpses from the floor. 

The spotlight was –without a doubt – on Microsoft's cutting-edge AI innovations and its integrations to boost organizations’ productivity, creativity, and overall collaboration.  

Here are our key takeaways: 

  • Copilot is on every IT-person's mind by now, and rightfully so 
  • Adoption is happening but many organizations are hesitant to make a move prematurely 
  • Security and compliance are the most important aspects for organizations, more so in the wake of AI  
  •  Microsoft itself acknowledges that governance is a main component of successful implementation of AI and addresses this with new features across their premium tiers 
  • The Microsoft 365 platform grows at a faster pace than ever before in both tools and capacities. Governance is not optional anymore. 

With that, it’s a wrap for M365 Community Conference and we can’t wait to be back next year! Until next year’s conference in Las Vegas, we’ll keep the conversations going and make sure that we simplify Microsoft governance for our customers.  

On the road again 

From May 14 to 16, Rencore team will be at the European Collaboration Summit in Wiesbaden, Germany. Meet us at booth #39 and if you haven’t yet purchased a ticket, consider using our discount code: Rencore-194724