Blog - Rencore

Rencore 2017 – Here’s to another great year

Written by Rencore | Dec 22, 2017 11:00:24 AM

What a year it has been! Rencore made big strides in 2017, hosting 10 Rencore Webinars and 9 Tech Talks. Our team also grew significantly!

We toured the globe heavily, participating in many SharePoint Fests and SharePoint Saturdays. But most notably, Microsoft Ignite 2017 was a calendar highlight where we launched a brand new AnalysisCloud, SPTransformator v2, and SPCAF v7.5 to compliment our Governance, Transformation and Risk Prevention solutions.

Later in the year, we attended ESPC 2017. Amongst many highlights, which included our very own MVPs and developers leading speaker sessions, we also reached the finals of the ESPC 2017 Awards in the category: Best Management Solution. This was a massive achievement as our brand-new product AnalysisCloud – which we’d been nominated for – had only just been unveiled the month before, so the recognition we received for our cloud Governance and Risk Prevention SaaS shows the impact it could have in 2018.

Of course, it was great to share all of this with you and the pretzel spirit too!

We hope you had a great year too! We look forward to seeing you again in 2018.

Sending you warm holiday wishes from all of us at Rencore!