Rencore governance

Produkt Roadmap

Rolling out
In Development
Rencore Nova
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Access Reviews for Viva Engage
Rencore Nova

"We are planning to add support for Access Reviews in Viva Engage, allowing you to enhance the security of your organization's communities and prevent unnecessary permission and access sprawl. This functionality will be implemented similarly to existing Access Reviews, such as those for Microsoft Teams."

New service: Copilot Studio (Preview)

We are working on adding a new service and entities to enable you to govern Copilot Studio resources like agents. This service will allow you to gather insights on:

- Agents
- Copilots
- Knowledge
- Topics
- Actions
- Conversations

Rencore Governance API

We are planning to add support for an API layer to Rencore Governance. The exact scope is yet to be decided, but we are considering use cases around retrieving insights from Rencore Governance, pushing information to Rencore Governance, and triggering actions like provisioning in Rencore Governance.

New page: My Objects
Rencore Nova

“My Objects” will give all users the opportunity to view and directly access content they own or are involved in on one page. Whether “My Objects” is displayed in Rencore Nova and which services users can see there can be configured in Rencore Governance.

Initially, the following services are supported:
- Microsoft Groups
- Microsoft Teams
- SharePoint Online
- OneDrive for Business
- Power Automate
- Power Apps

“My Entities” provides users with a unique overview of all Microsoft 365 resources and offers great added value to make the workplace more transparent.

Support for Multi-Geo Provisioning

This new function enables the targeted provision of content in the requesting user's preferred data location on request in order to benefit from the comprehensive possibilities of automated provisioning following legal requirements.

Custom display name support for SMTP server

We are adding a new feature that allows you to use your own username for sending emails via SMTP server. The selected name will be displayed to the recipients of the emails as the sender.

Preselection of Sensitivity Labels
Rencore Nova

With this new feature, we add the possibility to not only choose between one or all sensitivity labels in a provisioning template but also to give a subset of labels to the end-user to choose from.

In this way, the number of templates to be created can be significantly reduced without having to compromise on the content label.

Company guidelines sidebar
Rencore Nova

With this new feature, we will provide a new sidebar in Rencore Nova that can show customized content to end-users, such as:

- template use guidelines
- additional instructions
- links to internal documentation
- template contents

Setup can be done through the template builder already used when creating or editing new provisioning templates.

Viva Engage Provisioning
Rencore Nova

Support for Viva Engage Provisioning will be added with this feature, enabling users of Rencore Governance to use the current custom template capabilities to bring Viva Engage provisioning to their users.

New Entites for Service Azure AD: Secure Score

Additional entities will be added to Rencore Governance to scan objects from Microsoft Azure AD such as: - Identity Secure Score (e.g. Risky Users, MFA Enforcement)

New Service: Azure

Additional entities will be added to Rencore Governance to scan objects from Microsoft Azure.

New Service: Planner

We will add a new service for Microsoft Planner and start scanning objects such as Planner plans.

External User Access and Lifecycle Management

This feature will allow end-users to invite external users and automatically assign the inviting user as Sponsor. Furthermore, it will automatically disable external users that have not been active in the target tenant for a specified time period.


New Service: Intune

We will add a new service for Microsoft Intune which improve scan features devices and add new entities for Device Management rules and Mobile Application management rule usecases. Other related usecases:

Improved Sharing and Export Experience

We are planning to rework the sharing and export experience, adding more file capabilities to both features and making it easier for users to share information across tool borders.

Power Platform solutions

Additional entities will be added to Rencore Governance to scan Power Plattform solutions

New service: Power BI

Additional entities will be added to Rencore Governance to scan objects from Microsoft Power BI such as:

- Power BI Reports
- Power BI Dashboards
- Power BI Owners
- Connectors
- Environment

New Object for Service SharePoint: Pages

A new object will be added to show information of SharePoint Pages

Last updated: 2024-Okt-01
The Rencore Governance roadmap provides estimated release dates and descriptions for commercial features. All information is subject to change.