
Free whitepaper! Microsoft Power Platform governance best practices

3 min read
3 min read

We are delighted to announce that we have published the free guide “Microsoft Power Platform governance best practices”. The whitepaper explores all facets of Microsoft’s low-code self-service approach and offers best practices for implementing an effective Power Platform governance strategy that helps increase productivity, reduce operational costs, and reduce the hassle of managing power users through automation.
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Stay on top of flows and apps

The no-and low-code movement has opened previously gated avenues, allowing power users the opportunity to create apps, analyze data, and automate previously manual processes. A driving force behind the no-and low-code movement is Microsoft’s Power Platform. It is attractive to all types of businesses that want to scale business solutions and reduce the burden on development teams.

However, the burden lifted from development teams remains firmly on the shoulders of IT operation teams to protect company data and ensure business solutions are operating smoothly. Without a robust Power Platform governance strategy, company data becomes vulnerable, administration and licensing permissions go unchecked, and monitoring the apps becomes an insurmountable task. Organizations must consider that the Power Platform, and IT self-service in general, lives outside of IT governance’s traditional reach and therefore needs special attention.

Matthias Einig co-founder, and CEO at Rencore explains:
A hallmark of the Microsoft Power Platform is that it democratizes programming and offers a streamlined range of products for app development. For businesses that rely on flows for automated work processes and apps for business productivity, it is important to identify governance priorities and build a strategy around them. Throughout this whitepaper, we examine the importance of designing and executing a Power Platform governance strategy to manage self-service and low-code solutions.

A Power Platform governance strategy is required to provide visibility across apps and flows, simplify power user management, and enable IT operations teams to react fast. A successful governance framework will prevent data breaches and ensure that problems are anticipated and solved early, avoiding costly administration and bottlenecks in defunct flows and apps. The whitepaper provides all the details to implement such a strategy at scale.

Download your free copy today!

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