SPCAF is getting even better!
After the major release of SPCAF v5 we got awesome feedback from our users. But we do not want to stop there!
This release is focussing on
- Architects, improving the ability to analyze the code design and
- IT Pros, allowing to integrate SPCAF in PowerShell and get a free summary report without the need for a license.
All changes in this version are listed in the release notes.
Download it now or get a trial key to see for yourself.
New Dependency Inspector
Planning to migrate a solution to a newer SharePoint version or the app model?
Analyzing a solution or app from a different developer?
Decoupling artifacts to improve the code maintainability?
Then we have something for you! The new SPCAF Dependency Inspector allows you to browse all your solution and app components and see the incoming and outgoing references.

FREE Summary Report
SPCAF now creates a summary report that highlights all the found violations and their categories, as well as the gathered metrics.
Even better, you can get this report without owning an SPCAF license.

FREE PowerShell CmdLet
If you already use PowerShell to deploy solutions and apps to SharePoint, then you can easily integrate the SPCAF analysis into your deployment process and prevent harmful customizations to be deployed.
The PowerShell CmdLet provides you the number of discovered violations and the summary report for free!
Import-Module "SPCAF.PowerShell.dll" Invoke-SPCAFCodeAnalysis -InputFiles "d:\FolderWithWSPs" -Reports "HTML;PDF" -OutputFile "d:\SPCAFOutput\SPCAF-Report.html"
Suppress Code Quality Violations
When analyzing SharePoint solutions and apps, sometimes the analysis reports show potential issues which are implemented that way on purpose. Still you might want to keep the entire SPCAF rule enabled as you would like to find other occurrences of the issue.
Hence many of our users asked us to add a functionality to allow to suppress a single warning in the code and since SPCAF version 5.2 this is now possible for managed code in assemblies.
#define CODE_ANALYSIS using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; ... namespace SuppressExample { public class ApplyLock { [SuppressMessage("SPCAF.Rules.BestPractice", "SPC050235:ApplyLockForCachingObjects", Justification = "ApplyLock removed.")] public void MethodWithoutApplyLock() { ... } } }
Try it!
Would you like to see these new features in action?
Get a trial and start getting your SharePoint Code under control!