
Capricorn Consulting GmbH

Contact information

Capricorn Consulting GmbH

An Krietes Park 6
28307 Bremen
+49 421 98981-700


Strong companies have one thing in common: they think ahead. Capricorn accompanies them in this process. The German-based Consultancy loves people and technology and has brought both together for more than 25 years: sensible, practical information technology and efficient solutions for business processes. Adapting to ever faster-changing markets and requirements, Capricorn is not just observing these developments but actively shaping them. Digitalization is changing the world, and with it come many opportunities. Capricorn provides new ideas and new impulses.

Why Rencore

Rencore offers a quick and easy solution to audit and enforce existing Audit and enforce existing compliance solutions. Significant cost savings for Microsoft licence distribution through automation and thus maintaining control over Microsoft 365. We have already been able to convince leading companies worldwide and long-standing Capricorn customers of Rencore and are working successfully with it.

Markets / Target group

Medium-sized and large companies based in Germany and their subsidiaries worldwide.

Do you have any questions?

Our team will help with everything you need to make your decision.