Blog - Rencore

Webinar December 2017: More data, more problems? How to get complete employee profiles and how to secure them

Written by Rencore | Dec 5, 2017 4:00:04 PM

“Deck the halls with boughs of holly” Advent is here and along with Christmas cheer comes another great Rencore Webinar – what a way to end the year!

As 2017 comes to a close, we want to make sure that you are kept informed about the latest SharePoint topics – this month’s no different.

On the 13th December, our special guest Jeremy Thake will Join MVP, CEO and founder of Rencore Matthias Einig in delivering another top Rencore webinar. They will address the topic of employee profiles within SharePoint Online and Office 365, how to complete them, and importantly, how one can keep employee profiles secure.

You will find profile information everywhere in SharePoint Online and Office 365, fueling and enabling new capabilities and applications. But keeping employee information up to date and accurate can be a real challenge. Then let’s throw into the mix a cloud computing environment. On the one hand, you have a lot more space to store your information. You can reap the benefits of a platform that allows you to access data anywhere, but on the other hand, you must be vigilant and prevent your data from the potential risks that can accumulate from a shared online environment.

The benefits far outweigh the potential risks of customizing SharePoint Online and Office 365, so you should put the important protocols in place before personalizing the platform. Just like putting your cycle helmet on before cycling, or remembering to put your seatbelt on before driving your car.

Let’s find out a bit about our speakers! Jeremy Thake is the VP of Product Technology at Hyperfish (recently acquired by LiveTiles) and has over 15 years experience in the industry. His key focus is Microsoft Technology, and his experiences include consulting, product management as well as development and marketing. Jeremy worked at Microsoft HQ for 3 years on Office 365 extensibility and Azure application platform space.

Matthias is a Microsoft Office Servers and Services MVP and the CEO and founder of Rencore. Matthias is speaking regularly at international SharePoint and ALM conferences, and community events. He is currently co-organizing next year’s European Collaboration Summit as well as various SharePoint Saturdays.

Here’s a list of exemplary professionals who have been guest speakers at Rencore: Bill Baer, Vesa Juvonen, Jussi Roine, Spencer Harbar, Chris McNulty, Liam Cleary, Jeremy Thake and Paolo Pialorsi as well as our very own experts Waldek Mastykarz, Hugh Wood and Erwin van Hunen. Feel free to click on their links and re-watch the webinars.