New Functionality
- Category Correctness
- SPC010203 DeployReferencedAssemblyWithCorrectVersion
- SPC015703 DeployMissingUrlActionFileOfCustomAction
- Category Deployment
- SPC060304 DoNotDeployRootFileMultipleTimes
- SPC060404 DoNotDeployTemplateFileMultipleTimes
- SPC062101 DeployMissingImageForFeature
- SPC060303 DoNotDeployRootFileToTemplatesFolder
- Fix in SolutionDefinition: Handle schema errors in site definitions
- Fix in Dependencies “FeatureReferencesImage” (SPD012112): Images not found if they contain slash
- Fix in Dependencies “ASPXPageRegisterControlTemplate” (SPD036904): Controltemplates not referenced correctly
- Change for Integration of third party analyzers like FxCop: Path to tools is now stored in Dictionary.xml (and not in app.config anymore). Reason: storing config values centrally for all components; app.config could not be read in Team Build Activity
- Allow relative paths to third party analyzers (relative to SPCAF installation directory)
- Disable FxCop and CAT.NET in all rulesets (due to large reports and negative impact on SPCAF performance). FxCop and CAT.NET need to be enabled manually in ruleset via RuleEditor.